Specialized block MSc
Master of Science
MSc Process Management and Industrial Engineering
The second block of study is specialized block and consists of three educational modules which the student completes within his/her specialization. The specialization is taught in one course day. Students choose a specific date from a wide range of dates directly in the student section.
List of Specialized Modules
Process Management
All businesses are dependent on the processes that take place within them. The fact that many different processes are repeated every day in a company does not mean that the company is process-driven. It is important to understand the nature of process management and the process-driven organization. To understand this essence, it is necessary to become familiar with the principles and terminology of process management, how to describe processes, how to improve them and, last but not least, how to measure process performance. Because what we don’t measure, we don’t manage.
Industrial Engineering
In today’s highly competitive era, it is essential to increase efficiency in all company processes. Businesses that do not do it neglect this pilfer from some of their margin because it is impossible to pass on a company’s endlessly increasing costs to the customer. For this reason, the position of industrial engineer, whose job is nothing more than to look for potentials to improve and therefore increase the productivity of processes, has recently become more and more common in companies. The aim of the module is to understand the principle of continuous improvement, to learn the basic methods and techniques of industrial engineering, but most importantly – to look for the potential to improve production processes and to use this potential (improve internal processes).
Information Management
In this module, participants will learn the basic rules and “Best Practise” in individual areas of information management and their application within their own organization. They will therefore learn about different perspectives and approaches to manage and develop these tasks in order to use them effectively. In the overall perspective, it is a kind of a closed circle, where all requests from our clients lead to investments in IT resources. The resources are then used within the processes that provide our clients with the services and information through which the business achieves its goals. Subsequently, the organization can receive a profit in the form of revenue for these value-added services. So IT investments should indirectly have a positive impact on our economic growth and the bottom line of the organization.