The European School of Business & Management SE holds prestigious international accreditations from renowned foreign associations, has received several awards for the high level of education provided and is a member of many important organizations focused on the support of postgraduate education. Membership in these professional institutions helps to increase the quality of education, adhere to ethical principles and fulfill the principles of effective education.

Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges and Universities

European School of Business & Management holds International Accreditation from ASIC (Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges, and Universities) with Premier Status for for its commendable Areas of Operation.

ASIC Accreditation is a leading, globally recognised quality standard in international education. Institutions undergo an impartial and independent external assessment process to confirm their provision meets rigorous internationally accepted standards, covering the whole spectrum of its administration, governance, and educational offering. Achieving ASIC Accreditation demonstrates to students and stakeholders that an institution is a high-quality education provider that delivers safe and rewarding educational experiences and is committed to continuous improvement throughout its operation.

International Education Society

Since its establishment in 1997, the International Education Society (abbreviated IES) has specialized in the certification of educational entities, primarily secondary and higher education institutions and institutions focused on lifelong learning. The London-based company merged with ICI (International Certification Institute) in 2019.

International Certification Institute

ICI (International Certification Institute) was founded in 2019, when it also merged with IES. Together, ESBM now provides the opportunity to provide its graduates with internationally recognized certificates confirming the high level of their education. The ICI certificate confirms the professional competence of the graduate, his practical knowledge and experience.

Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs

ACBSP is one of the most respected and highest quality global accreditation organizations in the field of management and higher education. It oversees the quality and standard of the educational institution, the study programs and the quality of the professional lecturing team. The ACBSP brings together leading educational institutions around the world and we are proud to have the ESBM (European School of Business & Management) as a proud member.

Quality International Study Abroad Network

European School of Business & Management SE is a member of the QISAN (Quality International Study Abroad Network). The organization guarantees professional and ethical practice, as well as the high quality of its members’ educational programs. Beyond the educational content, QISAN also requires a welcoming approach to the students of institutions and strict discipline in their study practices.

Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business

The AACSB is a global organization with offices in the Netherlands, the USA and Singapore. The AACSB’s mission is to bring educators, students and companies together with a common goal of creating the next generation of great managers and leaders. In all parts of the world, what is most important is for an organization is to foster innovation and continuously improve the quality of management education. The AACSB is synonymous with the highest standards and has a proud history dating back to 1916. It currently provides quality and corporate education to more than 1,700 member organizations. The organization’s membership also includes 800 accredited business schools. We are very proud to have ESBM as a member of this organization.

European Association for Distance Learning

The EADL Association is another prestigious association overseeing the high quality of distance education in educational institutions. The EADL aims to improve the quality of distance education and thus guarantee a perfect and error-free education system. EADL is an umbrella body for private and non-governmental educational organizations and institutions, and all members must meet quality standards that are consistent with the Code. Membership of the EADL is therefore considered a guarantee of the quality of an educational institution.

European Association for International Education

EAIE is a non-profit organization founded in 1989. Its mission is to professionalize all members of the organization and to actively serve all those involved in the internationalization of higher education. The association has approximately 2,500 members from 80 countries around the world and is based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The association helps professionals from both academic and non-academic backgrounds to find the best solutions and practical procedures for the internationalization process of a given educational company. In collaboration with key partners, the association promotes the interests of its member organizations and thus works to elevate the field of international higher education within Europe and around the world.​

Principles for Responsible Management Education

PRME is an initiative that was created with the support of the United Nations and is based on its internationally recognized values. The main mission of the initiative is to inspire and promote management, leadership and research education globally. Thus, among institutions providing management education, they are trying to build a continuous improvement process in order to create a new generation of businessmen and managers who will be able to solve problems comprehensively and implement the latest trends in management and research in their companies and firms.

International Council for Open and Distance Education

ICDE is the leading international organization for open, distance, flexible and online education. Together with key partner UNESCO, it shares the idea of a “right to education for everyone.” ICDE also promotes the use of new methods and technologies in the field of education and ensures equal access and quality of education through e-learning. The organization was founded in 1938 in Canada and today has members from more than 60 countries. Currently, its main secretariat is based in Oslo and its activities are financially supported, among other things, by the Norwegian Ministry of Education, Science and Research.

Academy of Management

The Academy of Management is an international association of academics and leaders in management and organizations. Its history dates back to 1936, when the Academy was founded in Boston. The activities of the academy include organizing educational and management conferences, publishing scientific journals and directly supporting managers and academics in communicating with each other in the research field. The Academy of Management’s mission is to build and connect a community of managers and academics and to create a breeding ground for new opportunities, ideas and thoughts in the field of management.

Association for Educational Communications and Technology

AECT is a leading international organization specializing in the development of educational technology and innovation in science and research. Founded in 1923 in Washington, D.C., the association brings together educators, professionals, and experts whose scholarly and research activities contribute to expanding the knowledge base in education. The Association is actively involved in curriculum design and systematic approaches to learning and promotes high standards in the field of education. It is a kind of international platform for developing and disseminating new educational approaches, improving teaching models and learning effectiveness.

International Chamber of Commerce

The ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) is a global trade organization representing more than 45 million companies in more than 100 countries. It aims to ensure equal access to peace, prosperity and opportunity for all. The mission of the ICC is open to international trade and investment in their economic implications.​

International Association for Distance Learning

The ESBM is accredited by the prestigious accreditation association IADL, which guarantees the quality of distance and online education at accredited schools, maintaining the standards and form of teaching or the selection of a professional teaching team. IADL also benchmarks and approves distance education programs and providers worldwide. In this way, the Association ensures that its members provide a quality and valuable education to their students according to IADL principles and standards. The IADL Association is one of the most important quality assurance organizations in the field of distance education.

The Institute of Internal Auditors

The Institute of Internal Auditors (or IIA) is an international organization founded in 1941 and headquartered in Lake Mary, Florida. IIA is committed to internal audits, its mission is to provide dynamic leadership for internal audits worldwide. At the moment, the organization has over 200,000 members worldwide. The main objectives of the organization include promoting the values of internal audit, providing professional education and development, researching the internal audit situation and gathering professionals working in the field.

International Project Management Association (CR)

IPMA Czech Republic is an association developing a community of project managers in the Czech Republic. It is a member organization of the International Project Management Association and the only one in the Czech Republic that can award certifications according to the IPMA® standard. Its main function is to support the professional development of project management and to promote an understanding of project management as a profession that has a global scope, standards, knowledge and skills.

Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic

The Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic as the central authority of the state administration for internal affairs granted the European School of Business & Management accreditation under number AK/I-17/2016. This accreditation entitles our school to train officials and senior officials of local self-government units. In addition to the accreditation of our organization itself, accreditation was granted in the following educational areas: financial management, human resource management, project management, strategic management and management.

Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic

The Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic represents the business community, supports all business activities and brings together nearly 14,000 members. Its mission is to create opportunities for entrepreneurship, promote and support measures that contribute to the development of entrepreneurship and thus to the overall economic stability of the Czech Republic.

Association of Adult Education Institutions of the Czech Republic

AIVD is the largest professional association operating since 1990. Its mission is to develop the adult education sector and promote its interests. This association is a mediator of communication and a facilitator of sharing experiences, opinions and a guarantor of ethical standards and quality in the field of adult education. It also aims to cooperate with state authorities and other bodies in the preparation and implementation of legislative and other measures in the field of adult education.

Czech Management Association

The CMA is an association with a long tradition whose mission is to develop the professional skills of managers and their ability to lead work teams. The aim is to contribute to strengthening business ethics, ethical relations between employees and business partners, and responsibility toward consumers.

Czech Marketing Association

The Czech Marketing Association is an organization of marketing professionals. It creates a platform for the exchange of acquired experience and promotes communication within the marketing community of professionals. Its mission is to contribute to the expansion of marketing in the Czech Republic and to improve its quality.

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Czech Andragogy Association

The Czech Andragogy Association brings together experts from both the academic and commercial spheres. Their members include academics, managers, lecturers, tutors, counsellors, students and other sympathizers from the field of human resources development. The mission of the association is to promote mutual cooperation between members, especially the exchange of information in andragogy, adult education and further education.

Czech Institute of Internal Auditors

The Czech Institute of Internal Auditors (CIIA) is an association of internal auditors that has been promoting and supporting the development of internal auditing in the Czech Republic since March 1995. As a member of the international institute The Institute of Internal Auditors, Inc., representing more than 180,000 professionals from 190 countries, concentrates people working in internal audit, provides information on its development in the Czech Republic and abroad, consults in the field of audit, publishes materials and thus popularizes its activities.

MBA Association

The MBA Association brings together in its membership base entities providing MBA (Master of Business Administration) studies. The aim of the association is to inform the public about the opportunities and conditions of MBA studies and to develop the quality of teaching and the overall level of MBA programs in the Czech Republic. Membership in the organization guarantees a high standard of quality in MBA studies.

British Chamber of Commerce

The British Chamber of Commerce in the Czech Republic has been working since 1997 to strengthen trade links between the United Kingdom and the Czech Republic, promote trade and growth and create new business opportunities. The Chamber’s membership includes a wide spectrum of more than 200 British, Czech and international companies, and it works closely with all of these members. It also provides a platform for professional development and business education and promotes the exchange of relevant knowledge through a comprehensive series of presentations and workshops.