Ing. Pavlína Hejduková, Ph.D.

Pavlína Hejduková has been engaged in research, publishing and lecturing activities for many years. Her professional orientation is in the field of public finances, economics, taxes, public sector economics and sustainable development and municipal finances. In the mentioned areas, she publishes specialist books, scientific articles and presents her results at international conferences. She holds the “Professional lecturer” certificate awarded by the Association of Adult Education Institutions of the Czech Republic, o.s. and the IES “Tax Professional” international certificate. As part of project activities, it focuses on cooperation with the public sector and municipalities. She graduated from the University of Economics in Prague, the Faculty of Management in Jindřichův Hradec, and then completed her doctoral studies at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen, Faculty of Economics. She regularly supplements her education by participating in professional courses and seminars. Already during her studies, she worked in the field of finance, payroll and HR and also as an assistant/professorial assistant at a university. She currently works at the Department of Finance and Accounting University of West Bohemia in Pilsen as head of the department.