Specialized block DBA
Doctor of Business Administration
DBA Business & Sustainability
The second block of study is specialized and consists of 3 modules. These modules are taught during one training day and students can choose the term at will, which gives the opportunity to study even the busiest.
List of specialized modules
Strategy for Sustainable Development of the Company
The module introduces students to the company’s sustainable development strategy which consists of two main pillars. The first is to ensure the growth of the company without incurring financial liabilities and increasing them. The second pillar is to support and accelerate transformative processes in the firm with a positive impact on the world, including people and their environment. Before, creating a sustainability strategy, a careful analysis of the current state and setting goals in all relevant areas is essential. Subsequently, a “road map” can be created to help achieve these goals. In the introductory module of the teaching block “Business & Sustainability”, we focus on sustainability in business not only in general, but also on the motivation for transforming society towards sustainability and the tools that can be used for this. Sustainable, business development is intrinsically linked to the circular economy, which seeks to improve the environment and production efficiency. We also discuss the importance of communication and employee motivation, as active collaboration of the entire team is key to achieving success in business transformation.
Sustainable Business, Investment and Finance
In this module we discuss socially responsible business and ESG investing and finance. We focus on the sustainability of businesses and individuals from an economic perspective in the context of the current energy and green transition. In this module we discuss climate finance and its role in international policy and financing for sustainable projects and businesses. We also explore the topic of ESG and impact investing, including its specifics, evolution and role in the current world of finance.
Sustainability and Energy Management
Energy management is a key element of a company’s sustainable development strategy because it affects both the environmental aspect and the economic balance. At a time of extreme energy price rises, this aspect is of particular importance. Sustainability is associated with carbon footprint reduction and decarbonisation. The seminar focuses on activities and initiatives in this area from a national and international perspective. It also examines trends in reducing energy consumption and increasing the efficiency of production and non-production facilities. The way forward to meet the demanding requirements for energy savings and efficiency improvements through digitalization, automation and shortening process chains is discussed. The seminar also covers the use of waste and green energy sources, the legislative framework and the principles of the circular economy. It concludes by linking energy management to the development of a company’s sustainability strategy.