Stories of graduates: Ludvík Jaroš
My name is Ludvík Jaroš and I am the Business Development Director of Freebike s.r.o. Looking back, my opening sentence could have been very different. For example – I ended up on the street, I don’t have a proper job and no education.
Fortunately, the opposite is true. Although my family background and thus my start in life were not entirely ideal, I soon understood that I had to take care of myself, that I could work hard and follow my own path. I have changed my field several times in my not too long professional life until I landed in the management of a company developing and operating a shared bike platform. I’m looking for new business opportunities, I’m handling tenders in cities all over Europe, I’ve been working in London… I’m in charge of a team of equally passionate people and I enjoy my work.
Nevertheless, as a manager, for a long time I had the feeling that I shouldn’t have to invent some things myself, that they have already been invented a long time ago, that somewhere else maybe something is being done differently and better, in short, that it is time to broaden my horizons and increase my qualifications.
I decided on ESBM and I definitely don’t regret it. I appreciate that I was able to devote myself fully to my job during my studies and that the acquired knowledge was practical, so I was able to use it immediately. My experience with ESBM so far motivated me so much that I decided to continue my studies at this school. I suppose my graduate story will continue.